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Posts related to ‘Chronic conditions’

April 26, 2015
Kimberly George
global head, innovation and product development
Creating a culture of health

Communities and companies alike are on a mission to create a culture of health. Obesity, chronic disease and diabetes management have long been a wellness focus for employers. 25 years ago, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed and its inten…

April 26, 2015 by Kimberly George, global head, innovation and product development
July 23, 2014
Desiree Tolbert
AVP National Technical Compliance
Employee stress and mental health issues – what are employers’ obligations?

Stress in the workplace is a public health issue that the World Health Organization called the “health epidemic of the 21st century.” According to the 2013 Stress in the Workplace national survey by the American Psychological Association, 65% of U.S…

July 23, 2014 by Desiree Tolbert, AVP National Technical Compliance
July 08, 2014
Dr. Teresa Bartlett
managing director, senior medical officer
PTSD – not just a combat-related concern

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has gotten a lot of national attention lately due to several disturbing events on military bases. However, PTSD is not limited to veterans and those who have been exposed to war. It is a complex disorder that can…

July 08, 2014 by Dr. Teresa Bartlett, managing director, senior medical officer
June 25, 2014
Denise Fleury, SVP Disability and Absence Management
Stress, mental health issues and workplace injuries and illnesses – a look at the impact

The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) research paper on Stress in the workplace highlights the costly impact of stress and mental health issues on workplace injuries and illness, including higher risk of injury, medical treatment, lost time f…

June 25, 2014 by Denise Fleury, SVP Disability and Absence Management
May 29, 2014
Employee stress and mental health issues – what are they costing your business?

$317.5 billion – it’s a figure that gets employers to sit up and take notice. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this is the total for direct and indirect costs of treating mental health disorders annually. Numbers l…

May 29, 2014
End of results.